Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Idaho Reception and Final Install

The trip to Idaho and the Prichard Art Gallery went well. Transcontinental flights are not for the faint of heart and it takes almost a day to get from home to where I was finally headed in Moscow, Id. Once there, and completely exhaused, I meet artist Christine Destrempes and her assistant Will Broussard. We would all be house mates for the next few days and thankfully they were some of the coolest folks I have meet and we all got along really well.

Gallery director Roger Rowley had done an excellent job installing most of my pieces and we had a few last things to install before the reception two nights later. During the next couple of days I got to talk to three classes in sculpture and ceramics from the University of Idaho, which this gallery is affiliated with. I really like the fact that the gallery was downtown and not on campus. It gave the gallery a more professional appeal and visibility in the community. 

The reception, which correlated with the opening of the local jazz festival, was well attended and I met lots a great people and had many interesting conversations about my work. The gallery staff was very accommodating and professional. All in all I had a super experience and would like to thank them, especially Roger, for all their hospitality and for providing transportation and a nice place to stay. I also want to thank The University of Southern Mississippi for understanding the importance of such an event and helping me with the airfare.
The opening reception
Final installation. Photo C. Destrempes

Final installation. Photo C. Destrempes

Final installation. Photo C. Destrempes

The beautiful landscape of the Palouse, in western Washington and eastern Idaho.